Broadening Student Learning
In addition to a rich, internationally-minded and diverse curriculum, Rivercrest Christian College provides many opportunities for students to broaden their learning outside of the school day. These include:
Offered at School:
- Choir
- String Ensemble
- Chess
- Kelly Sports
- Bricks4Kidz

After School Options (Additional Cost):
- Code Camp – Mondays after school
- Chess Ideas – Tuesdays after school
- Kelly Sports – Wednesday after school
- Creative Art & Crest Dance – Thursdays after school
- Equestrian at Ayr Hill Equestrian Centre
Students who are interested in pursuing private instrumental lessons have a range of opportunities to extend their learning, such as: Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, Voice
Through our involvement in Christian Schools Education Network and State Sports Victoria, students also engage in a range of sporting competitions.
In Year 5, students also participate in a rigorous enrichment programme, which involves:
Cooking, Bike Education, Outdoor Education, Debating, Problem Solving (Maths/Engineering) HTML and CSS Coding.